Welcome to our website.

DBS & First Aid

For your First Aid certificate, please contact and introduce yourself as an ABD Member to:

Laura Hughes - Powermedics
T: 07778 522226
E: info@powermedics.org


Mark Woolfenden – TutorCare Ltd

T: 0330 107 7633
E: mark@tutorcareltd.co.uk

Please complete the form below to start your DBS application.

DBS Application

These are the details that we need to start the application process for your DBS Certificate. Once your application has been submitted you will be contacted by DDC (The agent that we use) and you will deal directly with them throughout the process.
Please let us know your name.

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Please let us know your email address.

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Have Questions?



  • Unit 212 Jubilee Centre, Birmingham B5 6ND

  • admin@abd.dance

  • +44 121 288 4166