Welcome to our website.

Denise Barley
Denise BarleyChairwoman

Chairwoman - Denise Barley

ABD Wales Area Chairman for 5 years and an ABD member for 6 years. I have won the ABD Teachers Shield for the Academic years of 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 for qualifying the most students.

I started dancing at the age of 7 and went through grassroots to a high level dance competitor.  I won various Championships at home and abroad, including the first ever DPA Bournemouth Masters Open Amateur Latin. 3 times British finalist; Youth Latin, Amateur Latin and Vice Champion of the British Open Youth Latin.

Adjudicator across the UK and Europe. Adjudicated the WDO Worlds Ten Dance Championship, the WDO Worlds Formation Championships and The Open Worlds, Blackpool.

Amy Booth
Amy BoothVice Chairwoman

Vice Chairwoman - Amy Booth

Principal and Founder of KLA Dance School in Newbridge, Wales.

Teacher and Trainer of British Juvenile and Junior British Formation Champions. Adjudicator across the UK and Europe. 

Choreographer of various dance groups for Britain’s Got Talent - United to Dance, finalist dance group KLA on BBC The Greatest Dancer and a dance group for Strictly Special featured on Blue Peter.

Trainer of Formation Champions and also teacher to many Welsh circuit competitors.

Robert Barley
Robert BarleyTreasurer

Treasurer - Robert Barley

13 times undefeated Welsh Champion. United Kingdom Youth Champion and United Kingdom Amateur 10 dance Champion.

Adjudicator of 25 World and European Championships. Fellow and an Examiner. Promoter of over 300 competitions in Wales.

Retired and living in Lanzarote since 2022.

Lesley-Ann Evans
Lesley-Ann EvansSecretary

Secretary - Lesley-Ann Evans

I started dancing at the age of 5, covering Ballroom, Latin, Old Time and Sequence. After attending medalist competitions for many years, I decided to seek a partner and try the open competition circuit. I was a Welsh Champion and Welsh Border Counties Champion. We also represented Wales at 5 World and European Championships around the world.

In 2013 I qualified as a professional and started my dance school LA Dance. I became a member of the ABD in 2017. I am also an adjudicator across the UK.


Kristie White
Kristie WhiteCommittee

Kirstie White

Principal and Founder of KLA Dance School in Newbridge, Wales.

Teacher and Trainer of British Juvenile and Junior British Formation Champions.

Adjudicator across the UK and Europe.

Trainer of Formation Champions and also teacher to many Welsh circuit competitors.

Sophie Cole
Sophie ColeCommittee

Sophie Cole

I am an Associate member of the ABD for 2 years within the Ballroom & Latin Branch.

I am experienced in Latin Formation, covering all age groups and I am also experienced in training/coaching competitive circuit soloists and couples within Latin at KLA Dance.

Alongside this, I also adjudicate competitions across the UK.

Callum Matuszczyk
Callum MatuszczykCommittee

Callum Matuszczyk

I became a member of the ABD in 2021. I am an Associate Member in the Ballroom and Latin Branch and adjudicate across the UK.

I am currently a dance teacher at KLA Dance in Newbridge and specialise in Formation Team training of all ages between 4 and 16.


  • Unit 212 Jubilee Centre, Birmingham B5 6ND

  • admin@abd.dance

  • +44 121 288 4166